Category Archives: Uncategorized

Even more healthy summer grilling

Beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, turkey burgers. There is all kinds of variety in this group of recipes. There’s even desserts! Pictured below are California turkey burgers.

Grilled Portobello burgers

Thinking about going meatless tonight? Check out these grilled Portobello burgers. They look just like beef burgers, but these are under 200 calories per serving.

Carrot sheet cake

This recipe for carrot sheet cake looks wonderful. I am a huge fan of carrot cake. This recipe includes 3 cups of beta-carotene-packed carrots. Research has shown that diets high in fruits and vegetables which are rich in beta-carotene have been shown to potentially reduce the incidence of certain cancers. Will this one slice of carrot cake prevent cancer? no. Will it change your life? perhaps.

Salad of the day

Salads have a bad rap. People hear “salad” and suddenly thing they can’t be satisfied off of “just a salad”. I love salads because they offer so much volume. A nice salad for lunch can keep me feeling full for hours. This recipe is a filling lunch salad with grilled chicken and blue cheese. Dig in!

5/12/11 lunch

Lunch Thursday was an Amy’s Organics frozen entree. One I’ve had before that I really like. The pasta and organic vegetables. This one totaled 210 calories of hot, delicious lunch!


Cinco de Mayo breakfast idea

Thinking about having a celebratory breakfast tomorrow in honor of the holiday? Here’s a good idea: breakfast quesadillas! This lovely recipe comes from Hungry Girl! This scrumptious breakfast quesadilla includes eggs, bacon, bell peppers, onions, cheese, black beans, sour cream, and salsa. All for under 300 calories!

5/4/11 afternoon snack

My afternoon snack today was my new obsession: plain greek yogurt and honey. The non-fat Greek yogurt was 120 calories, and the 2 honey packets were 50 calories, making this a perfectly filling and delightful afternoon snack for only 170 calories.


5/3/11 dinner

Dinner tonight was a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich. Not the greatest choice, but I worked until 8:30 tonight, and didn’t feel like whipping something up at home. I had a regular chicken sandwich and no sides, which totaled 430 calories according to their website. Not my best dinner. But – as promised – I will deliver the good, the bad, and the ugly truth of my daily intake.